Behind the Golf Brand Podcast with Paul Liberatore

#124 - PXG: Nick Jahnke (VP of Sales)

Paul Liberatore Season 4 Episode 124

Nick Jahnke, the Vice President of U.S. Sales at PXG joins Paul on the Behind the Golf Brand Podcast. Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) was founded in September of 2013 by well-known businessman, philanthropist and golf nut Bob Parsons. PXG was born out of Parsons’ desire to make the world’s best golf equipment. A shared passion for the greatest game ever played and equitable obsession with club technology led Parsons to partner with two highly respected golf club designers to develop the finest equipment on the planet. Parsons demanded of his designers what most golfers dream about: a sexy set of golf irons that look like blades, launch higher, go farther, feel softer and have a sweet spot the size of Texas. "PXG clubs have to feel like butter and the difference has to be noticeable. With no cost or time constraints, the duo began the long process of researching various alloys, exploring new technologies and identifying the unique properties that would make PXG clubs unlike anything else. More than 200 global patents later, Parsons Xtreme Golf has introduced a full line of golf clubs that are forcing golfers to change the way they think about the game. In response to explosive growth since its inception, PXG has quickly become an international brand, with stores, fitters, retailers and distributors around the world.

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Speaker 1:

Today we play golf.

Speaker 2:

Let me show you how we do it in the pros.

Speaker 3:

Yeah . Welcome to Behind the Golf Brand podcast. I never missed with the Seven Iron , a conversation with some of the most interesting innovators and entrepreneurs behind the biggest names in golf. My

Speaker 4:

Friends were the golf clubs. I lived on the golf course, I lived on the driving range

Speaker 3:

From Pro Talk . You should learn something from each and every single round. You play to fun from on and off the green. Why would

Speaker 5:

You play golf if you don't play it for money?

Speaker 3:

Just let me put the ball in a hole. This is Behind the Golf Brand podcast with Paul Libert tore .

Speaker 6:

What's up guys? Welcome to the Behind the Golf Brand podcast. This week I have my good friend Nick Yanke , the VP of Marketing from PXG. We are talking everything PXG, about the growth, all the new stuff they're coming out with and all about what's coming out next year. So welcome to the show. Thanks, man.

Speaker 7:

Happy to be here.

Speaker 6:

So what are you located?

Speaker 7:

I am , uh, sitting in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, about five minutes from our headquarters here and about 15 minutes away from Scottsdale National, the Parsons Golf Course.

Speaker 6:

Do you , do you get to play there a lot?

Speaker 7:

Uhhuh ? I wish I did that . Uh , you know , I've been very fortunate. I've gotten to have some experiences out there. It's incredible. But , uh, that is a, a private playground for a reason. So , uh, yeah, very limited and always happy when I get to sneak out there.

Speaker 6:

No , that's cool. I've never been there. I mean, how do you even get on there? Like is it like invite only or what? I have no idea. Yeah. Public .

Speaker 7:

No, it is , uh, it is very private. It's, you know, it's funny, when I started working here , uh, someone asked me like how the Parsons felt about golf, and I always tell 'em, if you go to Scottsdale National for two seconds, you'll have a very clear understanding of how they feel about golf. They, they basically turned it into the golf playground that everyone would wish they had in their backyard. It's incredible. Um , and it's really, it's them and in a pretty tight membership and, you know, their friends, it's, it's their backyard and their , their social club and it's an incredible golf experience.

Speaker 6:

That's awesome. That's

Speaker 7:

Cool. It's, I've been fortunate to play a lot of places, but that's one, if you told me that I had to pick a golf course to play every day , that'd be one of the courses that's still Nashville . Yeah, there's course called the

Speaker 6:

Other course . Looks , I mean , I saw the pictures, like I saw a bunch of pictures when I was at your headquarters and I was like, oh my God. Like, it's just like, it's like paradise honestly. Um, yeah.

Speaker 7:

It's amazing.

Speaker 6:

So when, when did you start APXG ?

Speaker 7:

Uh , I just celebrated four years , uh, which yeah, is , is four years longer than I, I thought I'd work for someone else. Uh, you know, never really thought I'd have a job working for someone else again. And just loved PXG. I was playing our product long before I worked here and was a fan of, of what PXG was doing as a company. And honestly it just addressed a lot of things I didn't love about the golf industry. I've worked in golf forever , uh, started working in golf when I was 13 and have seen the evolution of what's happened with equipment, what's happened with retailing and a lot of things that just burn me out over years of being an outside rep and being in that business and, you know, PXG and they just address that incredibly well. Both how the equipment's made, how they go to market, the user experience. I loved all of it and it's , like I said, I was playing it and <laugh> the opportunity to come work here was the kind of came outta nowhere. And some people that I'd worked with in the past and really respected worked here and I thought I would do it just for a bit and have some fun , uh, get some golf clubs and, and learn some things. And , you know, four years ago in a move and a bunch of different job titles , uh, it's been way more than I ever expected, but it's been a really fun run.

Speaker 6:

Where'd you grow up at?

Speaker 7:

Uh, grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Uh, you know, the golf mecca that is Green Bay and lived most of my life ,

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

<laugh> . It's like , listen, from June 4th to June 10th. It's unbelievable. Uh, it's amazing . You guys are like <laugh> . Yeah, I, you know, grew up in Wisconsin. I I was fortunate to, to travel a fair amount , uh, was living in Florida and, and been all over. I always said I wouldn't move to Arizona, so of course here we are , uh, on this end of it and, and love it. But yeah, I've, I've moved around for golf a fair amount, but our headquarters is here and I'll always be a Wisconsin guy, but , uh, happy to be in Arizona for the time being.

Speaker 6:

So then are you, were you like a golf pro or what , like what, what was your background before?

Speaker 7:

No, I've, I've always been on the sales side of it. So , uh, you know, I've been, I've done golf retail, I've worked in golf shops. I've basically done everything besides be a golf pro. Uh , I have been an outside sales rep, been in sales leadership , uh, and and APXG . I've worn a ton of hats. I've done sales training, opened a bunch of retail stores , uh, a lot of product training now work on our marketing team and really just do whatever the Parsons asked me to do, which is part of the fun of working here. But That's cool. Yeah, I've, I've been everything in golf, you know, from, i, I always laugh when I see the cart kid, you know, at the end of the day that's like flying around and he is 13 and he loves it 'cause he doesn't have a driver's license yet. Like, that was me. I was that kid that knew how to drive well before I got my license. 'cause I had, you know, done everything stupid you could do with a golf cart. And I've enjoyed having kind of every role in golf that I could.

Speaker 6:

So were you like, so where have you worked at like prior to PXG? Like what were you doing?

Speaker 7:

Uh, yeah, so I've done, you know, I had all the, the standalone retail jobs and the golf course stuff you could want. After grad school. I had, you know, an adult job outside the golf industry working for Target. Uh, realized I just really love golf and so I was fortunate. I've worked for Mao , uh, for a number of years. Nike was really always my dream job and was very fortunate to work for them for a better part of a decade. Uh , and then went and started my own thing , uh, doing some entrepreneurial stuff. But like I said, golf.

Speaker 6:

What were you doing?

Speaker 7:

Golf's just who I am. Uh, so started a couple different things. Some real estate investing stuff and just some different small companies. I'm just, I'm my mom always said when I was a kid, I'm happier when I'm going a hundred miles an hour. Like, I like having projects and different things going on and, and I like dabbling with some different things. And yeah , it's funny. PXG honestly brought a lot of it together in an interesting way because it is very entrepreneurial here. It feels like a very small entrepreneurial company, even though we're we're large and growing. Um , so I loved it 'cause it kind of leans into the culture of what I really like from a company. I mean, I've, I loved working for Nike, but you know, you, you learn what it feels like to be employee 9,000 , uh, in a very large org here you can really make a

Speaker 6:

Difference. Was it like very corporate, like very corporate ,

Speaker 7:

Uh, you know, as corporate as an organ company can be , uh, they, they work pretty hard to not be that corporate, but it still is. Yeah . That's when you're in a Yeah. I mean, you're in a $30 billion plus company, you know, with that many employees. Like it's, it's hard to really move the needle on something. Yeah. And PX g's just, it, it really, you know, it's funny when you have moments in life where you feel like the path has led you to that place. And it's like such a weird combination of all the things I've done in golf, the entrepreneurial side, the small business side, and like being creative and having to hustle. And it really brought those things together in a way that it's like, man, this feels like exactly what this was supposed to lead to for me. And I think that's why I've enjoyed it so much and been here longer than I probably originally thought I would be.

Speaker 6:

Um, I mean, I love PXG to be honest. Like, here's, here's my story at PXG. Like, I never really hit APXG club until a couple years ago, and I got AU set from somebody and I was like, holy crap. Like, that was like, I , it , it , it , it was the oh 2 0 2 elevens . What was it ? No , it wasn't oh two . And , um, they're amazing club . Like, like my friend had 'em and he is like, you want 'em? I'll sell 'em to you . I'm like, sure. And then like, that was my first taste of it. And then I actually like did the gen six , uh, challenge in November. Okay . Um , and I had just bought a, well, honestly, you guys crushed it. Um, so I had, I had just bought a ping G four 30 in May that I was not fitted to, and I thought it was awesome. Right? I was like , oh , I got a new ping G four 30. And then I took that over to corporate and did the, the te you know, the, the , um, challenge, dude. It was like night and day. I got a little bit more distance, right. A little bit, which I'm not a strong player, right. But like, my dispersion was like, I mean, my surgeon was like a hundred feet, let's call it. And then it went down from like a hundred feet down to like, you know, 25. And I was like, holy crap, that's awesome . And I was like, and then here , here's a true story too. Then when I was warming up , uh, Tyler, who was fitting me, he goes, Hey, I, I , I only put my driver. He is like, you mind take some warmup swings. Um, you should hit the, the , um, our gen six irons. And I was like, okay, fine. So he gave me the seven iron and I hit it and like, no joke, it like one, like for me it went like 180 5, 1 90. And I was like, what the hell? Like , because like , I don't hit that far. And , and yeah . And he's like, oh yeah, those are our new irons. I was like, what? I'm like, this is crazy. And I had never swung those clubs ever, you know what I mean? And I was like, holy crap. Like, I just, I don't know . You guys make phenomenal clubs like you really do

Speaker 7:

Straight up . Yeah. That's, you know, it's , I I love to hear those experiences and, and honestly, that's how it started for me. I'd worked, like I said, I mean, I'd worked in golf forever. I, I had really good equipment. I have people that I'm good friends with that had worked for every company. And like, when PXG came out, I was intrigued by it. Just the look and the storytelling I thought was really neat. But I'm also used to 20 plus years of marketing hype and of all these things. So I'm, you know, I'm not skeptical, but I'm a bit of a smart when it comes to some of that stuff. And it's like, okay, let's see if it's actually better. And when I tried it , I'm like, okay, this is like, I know enough to know that this is different. Like this is , yeah ,

Speaker 6:

You're already skeptical because you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the next, you know , like, me too. I'm like, oh yeah, of course. You know, like, yeah, I don't believe , well, that's when I started my brain , like when I started my everything, that's what I was like, Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . 'cause I was like, you know, I had the disposable income. Like I was , I was , I'm , I'm still an attorney, but I was practicing. I didn't have any time to play. So I'm like, I'm gonna buy new equipment and I'm trying to buy new equipment. I would not be any better. And you go to the store and you're like, oh yeah, this is the new best whatever. So I was like, I'm on a mission to find the right stuff. That was kind of like how I started my whole thing. And it's true because you become, you know , really skeptical. Like really, like, is it really that much better? Like, I mean, I think most golfers feel that way.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I mean, honestly though, you really just described why PXG started. I mean that Mr. Parsons, you know, he's talked about it and it's accurate. I mean, the, the years before he started PXG, he had spent more than 300 grand a year on golf equipment. He bought everything. Like, he literally bought everything. He would just get different configurations. And he was trying to buy a better golf game. And Mike Nicolette , who's one of our, our , the two gentlemen that came over to found PXG with Mr. Parsons, I mean, he is become a good friend. He is an incredible golfer. But that was how it started, was a conversation with him and Bob and Mr. Parsons question to him was, if we took off the limitations, could you make it better? And like, why isn't the stuff I'm getting now better? They keep saying it's gonna be better. Why aren't I seeing a notable change? And , and just understanding that there are limitations the industry puts in place as far as costs and price points and timelines that prevent real innovation on that end. And interesting. You know, you , you take, I

Speaker 6:

Didn't think about it like that. Incredible .

Speaker 7:

That's crazy . That's what it is, right? It's the same issue if, if you took the issue you ran into, but you were golf obsessed and a billionaire, and you knew the engineers that could solve it, and you let 'em go. I mean, that's basically what it was. That's how it started, was because of exactly what you experienced and taking someone who has the resources and the business brain to do something about it. And Mr. Parsons. And that's why we're here.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. I think Mr. Parsons is a genius, honestly. I mean, just like, I mean, hon like, honestly, like just with what he's done in , with the companies he started and like mm-Hmm . <affirmative> being always on the forefront. And then like the drive behind it, like, you know, it's like, it's just amazing. And then px g's like the next level, right? And just in an industry that like, you know, you're kind of an outsider coming in and you're trying to like, compete with these big monolith companies that have been around forever, you know? And he is like, bring it on. Let's, you know, let's see what we can do. Like, let's change it up and, and make some new technology here that like, you know, actually does work and you're not rushed. Right? It's like you're rushing the market, like, oh, we gotta get the new driver out by February because everyone's gonna have theirs out. You're like, well, we'll get it out when it's perfect and we're ready for that next thing. Which,

Speaker 7:

No, it's, it's really interesting. On that end, I've always said, like, I, the first time I really gotta sit down with Mr. Parsons, one of the comments I made for him , I said , respectfully, like, I , I work here because I love golf and I'm passionate about what we're doing, but I work here because I wanna learn from Mr. Parsons. Like, what an opportunity to get to learn from someone who has that experience and things like that. And , and what you quickly find out when you meet those individuals that have had that type of success in life, they're wired differently. Like those individuals didn't get there by accident. They're, they're very different. And it's a really unique combination where you have, at PXG, now you have someone who's been very successful in life, who has a real desire to make golf better and is golf obsessed, but has the business mindset to know how to really push limits. And it's such a unique combination. 'cause he's always talked about, like, for him, it's not, it's not about making money. It's about if I do something better and I solve a problem that exists in the market, which in this case would be a lack of real innovation and really pushing limits of what can be done that the rest will kind of work itself out. And honestly, it's someone at this point in my career, I think I'm very lucky to get to work in a company like that. It's just such an incredible, unique blend that it'd almost be impossible to recreate because any otherwhere, it's gonna be publicly owned or it's gonna be, yeah . It's be a combination

Speaker 6:

Million layers of people like that, that that innovator is so far removed from you. You know, like, you know, you think , like for example, with Nike, right? Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . It's like if you work at Nike, you're not talking to, you know? No.

Speaker 7:

And, and the thing here that, that would've surprised me the most , uh, before, when I look back, what my perception would've been coming into the company, Mr. Parsons, to say he's actively involved in the company would be a dramatic understatement. And the speed at which we can make changes is absolutely fascinating to me. Having worked in different size organizations with it, I mean, there was, we literally were on a call for something yesterday morning on a group team call, talked about an issue that we're seeing. It got put in front of him within a half hour, and the decision was made and it was changed on the fly. And it's like, that doesn't, that doesn't happen anywhere, ever . It doesn't happen in small companies, let alone like companies like this. And it's, but that ultimately, he's the one making the decision, which is what you want. I mean, the guy's a genius, so it's like, that's why we're here. We want to

Speaker 6:

Learn . Yeah. And he puts all the right people in place too, so he can make the right decision too. Like, it's not like he knows, he knows exactly what's going on , right. It's not like, oh, he has to micromanage. It's like, no, this is the issue. What do you want us to do instead of Yeah . Having to be like, oh, how are we doing that? You know? And I think like that's a huge thing, having the right team that you can help guide, right. And then use their skills to make it even better. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

It's, it's just a super neat setup . It's a very rare setup . He's a very rare individual and it's, you know,

Speaker 6:

I mean , I've read about him and just like what he, like when he started like GoDaddy and when he started all the other stuff, like back in the nineties, I was like, oh my God. Like to be that forth thinking, right? Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> , like, just , it just doesn't, it doesn't happen. You know what I mean? Like, it just doesn't happen. And I don't know . Then with golf, I mean in industry, it's kind of was like, it's it was slow, right? And it just, they had their marketing way, they did their marketing and they had their products, and it's like he turned it upside down really, and made it better.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. And the , the thing that I'll always, you know, 30 years from now, if you ask me about a , a story about Mr. Parsons, where my brain would go immediately is when he was, when he had GoDaddy and before it had become really a success. They were a pretty distant third in market share. You know, they get to a point where he had pretty much put everything into that company that he had. He had already been successful and could have easily retired and had a different life and put everything in it on a bet on himself and on the company. And there's just some things that you hear from over time where it's like, I'm, I'm a pretty aggressive , uh, risk taker when it comes to some of that stuff. And like, I'm not even in the same ballpark. Is is where he thinks, but he just has a real determination on what he wants to do. And it's why he's been so successful. But it, it just really is, the more I've been here and the more I've learned about him, it's an incredibly neat story with some real compassion in it for people who along the way have helped him to get to where he is, which for him is the military and those that have served. And there's a real underlying mission on what he wants to do with what he's done. Like Yeah, he's, that's so

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

There's a lot there. There's a lot of really interesting things and a lot you can learn.

Speaker 6:

They also call you the guru, right? When it comes to equipment over there. Yeah . Why are you the guru

Speaker 7:

<laugh> ? Oh man, I just really am a golf nerd. I love equipment and I love, I'm the person, like if there's a new product coming out and someone tells me about it, you know, I , I used to be in these meetings and they would tell me about it. And they're like, yeah, do you want me to send you the material so you can remember the bullet points? It's like, you know, don't worry about it. I'm gonna remember 'em. Like, I'm just, I'm, this is what I love. I, I wake up thinking about golf. I , I have five minutes where I'm sitting at a red light by myself. I'm probably thinking about golf in some capacity. It's just how I am. And particularly here, there's so much you can do with our product that, yeah, I just get really nerdy about it. And I think they got , uh, I've been fortunate to wear a lot of hats here. And I think at some point we got sick of trying to figure out what my job title was. And , uh, the product guru was a little bit easier, but it's one, I know I'm being made fun of , uh, when they put that in a , in a presentation. But I do take it as a compliment and, you know, there's worse things to be called. So,

Speaker 6:

So what is your day-to-Day? Like?

Speaker 7:

You know, that's really the fun part here. The day-to-Day is all over the place. I spend a lot of time , um, at the moment working on our marketing campaigns. Uh, you know, so looking at the storytelling and , and what we want to do around some new product that we're gonna have coming , uh, that's in the works right now. Like looking, the variety is really neat. Like yesterday, I spent a lot of time on new product, spent a lot of time working with some of our content partners , uh, you know, ended up having a meeting at the end of the day yesterday with some NASCAR guys that were in town about some activations we were doing with them . And, and in the meantime took calls from a bunch of salespeople, helping them work on being better at their job and talking about product and all these things along the way. So I love the <crosstalk> ,

Speaker 6:

You guys always innovating. It's like you always have new stuff, you know, it's not like, oh, we just make x. It's like, no, no, no, we make like all this. We make the whole gambit. And then you also, and then you, now you have your whole apparel as well. So it's like you have a lot of stuff and it's amazing how much it's like grown in the last like 10 years, right? From like, you know , we're starting where it's now . It's ,

Speaker 7:

It's incredible to look at. And the neat part, you know, looking just at the club side for a second, like, you, you need to know a lot. 'cause everything we're doing is really meant to be customized to that individual. So you really have to understand what the tech is going to do and how to make it really work best with a person standing in front of you, right? Like, I'm not, I'm not standing in a big store and you walk in and you're telling me about something you want, and I pull a driver off the rack and hold it in front of you and say, this is what I think you need. And you go on your way. Like, it's a real experience. So when you come into a fitting experience with us, like as a fitter or as a person that represents a company, I need to know our product so well that I can get you exactly to where you need to be to make it your combination and to your point, like we're constantly innovating and , and coming out with things when we know we have something better. Uh , but as a person on this end, there's definitely a , a requirement and an obligation to be an expert in, in what we're doing. 'cause it's how I can make your experience incredible. I have to know the product that well.

Speaker 6:

I mean, like, I was in there last week Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> . And here's a , your true story. You guys will be seeing the video probably in the next month. So I got, I had gotten a , uh, uh, say the brand, but I had gotten a , uh, set of, I got a Fairway Wood , and I had gotten a hybrid from a brand called Brand X. Yes . And I've been using this hybrid and this Fairway Wood for two years, right? And it's , it's expensive stuff. It wasn't like a, it's , it's a foreign brand and so can never the three wood. And so when I was getting fitted for my woods, the fitter was like, yo, man, this is the wrong shaft. You have a driver shaft and you're three wood . And I was like, I said , what? He's like, yeah, for reals. And I'm like, because like , I hit like two shots, right? And they like went off to the right and they hit the fake building. And I was like, see, I go , I won't hit that club. I'm afraid to hit that club. And then he is like, he took it, he goes, he put it next to the driver and he is like, look, dude, you got the frank , the shaft is way too long. And then he like measured it and he is like, that's your problem. I'm like, I would've never have known that in a million years, right? Yeah . Because you would think that like what you get even from a manufacturer is the right stuff. And it wasn't. And the hybrid had the fairway wood shaft in it.

Speaker 7:

Oh , lovely. Would've thought ,

Speaker 6:

Yeah ,

Speaker 7:

One means .

Speaker 6:

So I was so excited. I was so, so excited because after that we were , I was hitting it with the, the um, oh three 11 and it all fitted and whatever. And I was like, oh my God. I now I have like driver wood hybrid, and they all have like the perfect gapping, which I've never had because I had like driver, I would never use a three wood . The hybrid was hit or miss. I only use my irons. So it's like, it's just, it's amazing your fitting process and how accurate it is and how much you just learn from that experience. You're like, no wonder I'm like playing so terrible. You know?

Speaker 7:

Yeah. It's a , it's a neat thing. And I mean, obviously you've experienced our store to those who haven't , uh, I guess that might be listening to this. When you come in, all our stores will have anywhere from two to four hitting bays. They're very large. When you look at the back wall, it's all shadow . We starting point. And that's the thing I love about it, is if I'm working with you, you come in, you're telling me about your game. It's not like, Hey, we normally start, you know, if we're looking at this driver, we start with this shaft and we tweak it from there. Every variable of it is built one at a time to exactly what you need it to be. So when you're talking about like having the right gaps, I always talk, excuse me, to players about, I want your whole bag to speak to each other. So if you're hitting, let's say we're playing a par five and you hit driver seven, iron gap wedge. It's a funny thing, like the amount of times I would play with people where you'd hear 'em almost talking to themselves where it's like, all right , I just have to put my sand wedge swing on this. And they almost have like a different swing for that club. It's because that equipment doesn't line up with what else is in their bag, right? Like, we need it to flow, gap wise , field wise , uniform, the weight wise , uniform . Yeah . It's

Speaker 6:

Not know at all .

Speaker 7:

Like , and that's, that's the fun part of the , and

Speaker 6:

If people don't dunno that though, that's the thing.

Speaker 7:

No, the amount of, I mean, I could get, I , I won't bore your audience to death on this, but if you look , dude , come on . I'm not boring . If , if, if you and I went to a driving range right now and you picked a random player, I'd be willing to bet you a fair amount of money that they are going to play 95 to 105 gram iron shafts. But then they're gonna go into wedges that are really heavy, right? And I understand you want your bag to progress. It's like they haven't, the majority of players, if we went and picked through their shafts, there wouldn't be a consistent flow from top to bottom. There wouldn't really be an understanding of like, well, you are a player that likes a lighter weight shaft that launches high. And then they wouldn't have that characteristic throughout their whole bag, right? Because they buy things piecemeal. Some are fit, some weren't fit. And there's really, that's why you always see players playing away from a certain part of their bag. I played last night with a guy who's a one handicap and he's telling me how he can't hit a fairway wood or a hybrid. And it took about two seconds pulling 'em out. It's like, well dude, these are the exact opposite. Like, they're literally built the opposite of your driver and your irons. It's like maybe we start there. Like, if you actually had ones that were made for you think how much more fun this could be. And it's, that's the thing. Like it, we make phenomenal golf equipment. Where we bring it to life is when you get to work with someone to really make it make sense for you . Right? I can, I can do a good job over the phone. I can ask you a bunch of questions. I can't do anything nearly as well as I can when you're in front of me and we can have a real conversation about what you need. And that's, we have phenomenal equipment. That's what brings it to life. And that's why our stores are so fun. Like you get to have that one-on-one experience with someone and really make it your equipment, which is what you saw. It's like, it's not, it's not equipment that the guest had . It's a hundred percent what you need it to be.

Speaker 6:

This is my opinion. I think people are apprehensive about getting fitted 'cause they're afraid, right? Mm-Hmm . I think they're afraid. They think it's probably gonna be like going to a cart a lot, a car a lot. And they're like, oh, you know, they're gonna get sold on something. And it's like, not like that at all. It's more like, let's just figure out how you swing the club. What club do you need? And then start working backwards and figuring out, let's build that to you. Like, that's the one thing I learned, right? I mean , I wasn't afraid to do it, but I was like, oh, okay, cool. Like, yeah, we're starting with this head, right? That's whatever the head you guys are making. That's good for me, let's say. But then it's like we're working all the way back, right? Like, oh, what shaft and how much , how heavy is it? And what's really cool about PHG is like, I mean with the irons too, is like you can switch out the weights. Mm-Hmm . <affirmative> like on the spot, right? And it was like, oh, it may add a little more weight. Unscrew screw. You know, you're not like , not welding stuff on, you're not like, it's, it's so user-friendly, I guess. And yeah, not scary at all. And when you walk out, you feel like the best, the way I can describe, it's like when you walk out of a, when you're walking out of a car dealership, you buy a brand new car and you're super excited. That's what it feels like when you walk out of PXG with a new bag of clubs. 'cause you're like, I can't wait to play these clubs because I know based on all this data I just saw right on the, on the launch monitor and everything, that it's gonna make me better. And that's, that is a god awful truth.

Speaker 7:

It's our equipment is designed to be custom fit , which that probably sounds like a a just a throwaway comment until you really think about what that means. The majority of golf equipment is sold off the rack in a big box store. If you look nationally at where the volume is, right? They're not, that club was not made for you. That club was made to fit the widest breadth of players that they could take a guess at knowing that a wide variety of players are gonna walk in and it's gonna need to work for them, right? And we, so when you look at our equipment, the ability to change the weighting , the ability to really customize it, like we know that our, we're going to have an experience that's one-on-one with you. So we wanna design equipment that that is set up for that purpose. But the thing that I hear most from players coming into a fitting is that they're nervous to get fit or that they don't feel they're good enough to get fit. Right. And to your point, it can be an intimidating process for people when they come into it. And the thing I always tell people in fittings is, I'm gonna fit you as if you're my best friend that I play golf with every Saturday morning. I'm not there to sell you anything. I'm going to work through your bag options with you and I'm gonna recommend what I would want in your bag. If you and I were standing on the first tee on Saturday with a $20 bet on the line, right? And my money's in there. I'm going to try and set you up to play the best golf you possibly can. And we're gonna work through every variable together, right? Like we have TrackMan, we have all the head configurations and shafts and everything in the world, but what I don't know is how it feels to you as a player. So we try and make it very easy on that end, right? Like, all I need from you is, did that feel better or worse? Did it feel good or bad? And then we work through it together, kind of like an optometrist, right? Just one click at a time. We move to the left, we move to the right, we change combinations and we end up there together. But the neat thing when you get done with it is it's always like, Hey, this is your club. This is your head, your shaft. This is your grip, your configuration down to your point, to the exact weight in the back. This is the recipe we're gonna build your equipment off of. And it's a hundred percent yours. And like there is, it's fun. The amount of people that I've fit who have, we have someone that picked up her clubs yesterday who asked me if I could call her because she was so ecstatic about her new equipment that's coming, because she felt like it was a hundred percent right for her. And that's someone who's played professional golf for the last period of time. And her level of confidence, to your point coming outta that, she's like, I can't wait to play with these. Like, I know these are right for me.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. I seriously can't wait. I can't wait. It's like I can't, it's like kid Christmas morning kind of wait, like I can't wait. Yeah . 'cause like I've already seen it and I was like, holy crap. You know? And then it's funny 'cause like in virtue we were saying as well, where as the fitter, you know, they're asking you questions like, how does that feel? Oh, does it feel heavy? Does it feel light? Like you can only answer those questions. You know, they can only tweak it, but like, if it doesn't feel right, you got , you know, if it doesn't feel right to you. And, and what I saw, I mean, I I swung the club about a million times and I could've moved on Saturday. Yeah . Um , because it was, I mean, for reals, but because I'm outta shape. But like, it's not really , I hit the ball like probably 200 times. I think . Um, what's crazy is I, I could see like, I have the same pattern, right? I always hit a fade. I'm always hitting a fade. I'm always hitting a fade. I'm like, why can't I hit it straight? And then after about 200 times of that, I'm like, oh, I guess I just, I always just hit fades. I guess that's , that's how I'm my playing golf. But then you start seeing the consistent as that circle circle gets tighter and longer and you're like, holy crap. Like this is like target practice. Like not like, you know, if you just, I don't know , it's , it's seriously, it , it blows your mind, you guys. Like for reals, it's, it just, it blew my mind. Um, yeah . Straight up. I,

Speaker 7:

I appreciate your comment there. 'cause that is, like I said, the feedback we get the most is, you know, I'm nervous to get fit. You can tell people are a bit intimidated when they come in. And that's the part I always try and get 'em to understand right away is like, literally the only thing I need you to tell me is, did that feel better or worse than the one before? And did it feel good? Like that's, and that part's easy. Even a very, very poor player can give you that feedback, right? Like, 'cause they still understand the feel of what's in their hands. Everything else I can figure out, like we're an expert in it for a reason. We'll figure out everything else for it. But I you ultimately, when we're done and the reason that I truly don't sell anything is because you're the one that has to go play golf with it. Right? You have to go to a golf course, look down and feel confident in what it is. So it's my job to help you find what you are going to be confident in if I talk you into something that doesn't do either of us any good. 'cause you're not gonna trust it, right? Like you need to have that confidence. Yeah , exactly. You know, it's right for you. Yeah. That's the fun part. And , and

Speaker 6:

You could tell people like, yeah, they fitted me and it was the wrong club, blah, blah, blah. I didn't like how it felt. It's like, yeah , that's not gonna happen. It's like you made those decisions. Like I , you know, like we're just, we're just tweaking it to whatever you're telling us or whatever we're seeing. What's cool is too, is like, it's instant feedback, right? So it's like you hit a couple times and you can see whatever you're doing wrong and like , oh , that's the wrong shaft, right? Like yeah . Like you just know right away. Like, and then you start working your way until you finally get to that perfect setup because you've tried the whole spectrum of what you've, what this fitter is seen that's happening and it's like low stress. It's not like, okay, well now we have a perfect setup, you know? No. It's like you're ready to hit the next club. Are you ready ? You're ready to go to the next thing? 'cause you're like, I want this bag to be perfect, right? Yeah. And for , I I think 99% of golfers have never had a good bag. Honestly. They just don't know.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. And like I said, I mean, I I, you look it around like yesterday, it's like this is an individual who's played golf his whole life plays at an extremely high level is members at a , an expensive country club here. And half his bag isn't right form , like the putter wasn't right, the fairway and the hybrid and he's plowing away from certain parts of his bag. And it's like, that's pretty representative of what I see from the majority of people that their set isn't, yeah. I mean that's, that's just what it is . You're

Speaker 6:

Scared, you're scared to play those clubs 'cause you know, it doesn't work. And now I find out it's 'cause I had the wrong fricking shaft in it. How would I have never have known that had I never gone in, I would've never have known that I was , would never have played that club ever. You know? Yeah. And I think people

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

That it's not scary. It's not scary at all and it's actually really fun.

Speaker 7:

No, the the thing that always makes me happy is when I get done with a fitting and I ask them and at the end like, Hey man, how was it? And when their comment is that it was fun. Like that's what I'm looking for. I want it to be fun and easy. Like this is meant to be an enjoyable process. You get to come buy golf equipment, right? But it is, people really discount when things are fighting them in their bag. It's like if you had a car and it was great when you drove it straight, but every time you turn left it like shut off you, like you'd go address it. You wouldn't just stop turning left. But that's what people do with golf

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

Yeah. But it's like, oh, well I can't hit these two clubs so I just don't play to 'em . And it's like, I don't know . I don't know what it's , I just can't hit 'em . And it's like, do you think it might be the equipment? Like I'm just, I mean, I get it, we all hit bad golf shots, but it's like golfers for whatever reason are very quick to somehow assume it's always on them. And it's like, dude, if there's something you're consistently struggling with, like there's probably a pretty good reason of why that is . And that's where you need a fitter,

Speaker 6:

I I guess the newest clubs right now are the gen six , right?

Speaker 7:

Yes sir.

Speaker 6:

When did those first get released?

Speaker 7:

Uh, so gen six , they've been working on those for a long time. And they came to market , uh, spring of 20 of this year, 2023. Um ,

Speaker 6:

I mean honestly, like, I'm blown away by 'em . Um, like I said, the driver outperformed the driver that I bought that I'm not even using anymore. Um , nice . So I'm gonna sell that pinging G four 30 . Everybody wants ping G four 30 to reach out to me. Um, and then the irons like, like I said before, like the dispersion was tighter. It was hitting way longer, like 10, 15 yards longer. And it just blows my mind when the club is built correctly for you and the technology's in it, right? It's like, mm-Hmm . <affirmative> it's like night and day, honestly. Like that's how you get good. I mean, yeah.

Speaker 7:

And it's, listen, like I said, I mean it , I , we can go as deep as you want into the why behind it, but how we manufacture equipment is very different. Our cost end of the equipment is different. The tech we put into it is very different. Uh , and that's step one of it. Like I understand I work here, I get it. But if you told me tomorrow I didn't work here, I would still feel incredibly confident that for 99% of golfers, if they walked into our store and we could magically take the club heads off their clubs and put our club heads on 'em and send 'em back out into the world, same shaft , same grip, same everything else, they'd play better golf. The head is more forgiving. That's been proven in independent testing. Like you're going to hit better shots, you're gonna get away with more. So that's the starting point. Like when I go into a fitting, I know that our engineers have made better golf equipment. That's no knock to any of our competitors. We just don't have limitations that they have to deal with. And I can go into what those are, but like I know walking into it that we have a better starting point as far as the head and from there, like we get to have the process to make it yours, the shaft, the combination, the weight, all those fun things, right? And that's, that's really what makes it exceptional. The equipment's better. But you look at 'em and Gen six iron's, like they've helped people play better golf. It was interesting, the like gen five sold incredibly well was really good product. I had it in my bag until a week ago. I love Gen five product. It's really good, right? So Gen six gets released and we have , uh, a media day and Darius Rutgers there loves golf. That guy plays golf every day . He is a passionate golfer. He, we walk up to the range as he is about to get fit. And he spends the entire time talking about how much he likes his Gen five irons, right? So as a fitter, you're going up and this guy's basically like having a love song about how much he loves his current equipment. He's

Speaker 6:

Literally , literally writing a love song. Yeah. I mean,

Speaker 7:

Should he might, he might start singing it. I'm not even sure. Like you don't know what's about to happen.

Speaker 6:

That's uni , right? That's uni . So

Speaker 7:

Yeah. So we get up there, we take, we take his specs of his Gen five irons, build it to the exact same spec and put a gen six head on it. So the only thing that has changed is the tech the engineers have put into that head first shot. He hits it. He has the most recognizable laugh I've ever heard, hits the first shot, starts laughing loudly. And as I look up, the ball is about 10 feet higher than I'm used to seeing it dead straight and carries past his entire pile of shots on the other ones. And it's like he turned around and he is laughing and he is like, yeah, that's better. And it's like, yeah, you're going to play better golf that went higher, farther and looks great to him. And it's like, that's the fun part. Our engineers do an incredible job. But you really see it in that instance where it's like, man, even from someone who's playing our equipment that's really good and is properly fit for him, just the tech of the heads alone made him play better golf. When we looked at the numbers that were coming off it and then we got to work as a fitter of how can we make it even better, which we did. We ended up tweaking some things. We changed some weight to your point and just made him even better. But that's the really fun part. And that's someone who's coming in with a very WellFit set of equipment for him and the majority of people aren't. Uh, and then you can really show him some crazy improvement.

Speaker 6:

I mean, I think that's what differentiates you guys is not only the tech, but like you actually fit to your clubs at brick and mortar locations and no one else does that, right? I mean, it's like, it's to the masses and you can go to a big box retailer, right? And they'll fit you there, maybe or not. You just buy it off the rack and you go, oh, it's the coolest, newest version of whatever. Um, and you never even hit 'em, right? You just wanna look cool on the golf course.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, it was very interesting. I, I was back home and ducked into one of the big box retailers and I just hadn't been to one in a little bit. And I'm standing there watching guys in a couple different aisles, pick up drivers do like the waggle flexing the shaft and kind of talking to their spouse and it's like, yeah, this looks good. And they walk out and it's like, oh man, that actually kind of hurts my soul a bit. Like seeing that it's like there's, that

Speaker 6:

Is part of you guys right there. Yeah . Like,

Speaker 7:

Like you just wanna go talk to 'em and be like, Hey man, even if it isn't our stuff, like you gotta go get fit. Like dude, you're, you're just missing the opportunity here. But it , well

Speaker 6:

Price I mean is not, I mean it's a little bit different, but not by much, right? I mean it's not like, oh, it's three times the price or something crazy. It's like, you know, you're spending between 500 and a thousand dollars for the driver anyways. So it's like you might as well get fit for it and have a good one. Not something off the rack that you read an article, you know, in a magazine or whatever about why it's cool or I

Speaker 7:

Don't know . Yeah. And I mean, listen, when PXG first started, our product was incredibly expensive and you know, there's a reason for it. There's a lot that went into it. So you have a lot of r and d costs, you're doing small quantities and manufacturing of something that's a really technical process. And it's been really funny. The comment I've always made is like, if I had a dollar for every person that made a comment of like, oh man, PXG, like, you know, I wish I could afford a $10,000 set of irons. It's like, well you're in luck, man. We've never sold a set. And it's like, if you listen, if you walked into APGA tour superstore right now and bought a bag and 14 clubs from Tailormade , it would cost you more than if you walked into APXG store and got fully fit for Gen six product. And I can tell you that what we put into that from a tech standpoint is far more expensive. It's far more involved. It's not a knock on them. That's just the reality of our business model

Speaker 6:

And it's personalized allows us and a hundred percent personalized.

Speaker 7:

And that's what I'm saying, like it's, if you just bought both of them, you'd actually spend less money with us for better performing golf equipment. But then you get the fun part where we spend two hours with you and build them exactly to your specification. Like it's a true one-on-one experience. And to your point, I mean the industry has gotten to a point where it's less and less customizable. That's not a knock on anyone, but that's just what's happened. The golf pro is not the local expert on fitting that they used to be. And big box stores like certainly offer fitting experiences, but the majority of their club sales are still stock equipment. There's a reason when you walk in, there's a hundred drivers sitting in a rack. They're not trying to fit you for those. They're trying to hand 'em to you and have you walk out the door. So at a time where the industry has gone further and further that way and personalized service has become less and less common in that same breadth of time. We have opened retail stores for the express purpose of bringing your equipment to life for you. And it's one, you know, as a company, the vast majority of our product is custom fit and built to that exact spec of that player, which it's time intensive, right? Like it, it takes two hours to work through that with you as a player and to get it a hundred percent right for you. But my confidence level, when you go to the golf course that you're gonna play better golf is exponentially higher because we have that experience and that's why we have these stores. It's, it's how you really bring the product to life. And it's such a neat thing. 'cause like the tech has only gotten better from when we started, but the price point has gotten to a very reasonable place. 'cause Mr. Parsons has said, like, I, you know, he had a comment once when I, I questioned the price. I almost wanted the price to be higher than what we're charging for. And he said, what's like, you know, what are you concerned about? Like that we're gonna sell too much. He said like, I'll never apologizing for making great golf equipment at a fair price. And it like, that is his mindset. He wants people to play better golf. He wants it to be accessible. And if you, you look at our product line, regardless of what player type you are or what budget constraint you have , we can find something that's gonna really suit your game very well. And it's always gonna be custom fit to you if you want it to be. And that's such a neat thing. Like there's not that limitation. And we've had a number of 'em where you have players that get fit for oh two 11 that you were talking about, like the price point's incredible on that. But you still come in, you get fit and it's yours, right? Like the price doesn't, isn't a detriment to the experience. We're still gonna make it custom to you. And it's awesome. That's how golf should work. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

I mean it's phenomenal. You just do, you guys do the opposite of everybody else. That's just what it is . And I think that's a testament to Mr. Parsons really because yeah , it's a breath of fresh air because no one else is doing that. And it's, it's just the same old, same old really. You know, we all know in January it's gonna be the new driver , blah, blah, blah . It's gonna be the same crap, just different paint scheme and some new new made up word, right? Oh, you know, whatever it's gonna be for the year. And you know, that's it. I meant repeat . I

Speaker 7:

Do, I do enjoy hearing what the made up words are gonna be. I'll admit that part. But , uh, yeah, listen, I mean it's one, you know, like I said before, I'm a bit of a smart. When I started working for PXG <laugh> , uh, Lela , who is incredible and has been here since the beginning, one of her comments, she's talking about what makes PXG different and the comment was everything. And at the time I'm like, okay, whatever. And you kind of roll your eyes a touch, right? In the more I've been here, you really understand. It just is fundamentally different. Every aspect of it is different. How we design product, who our target customer is, right? Like our target customer isn't a tour pro. Our target player really starts with Mr. Parsons. He is a passionate but average golfer who needs, who needs equipment that's gonna help him play better golf. The majority of companies start with a tour pro and then work backwards to make it look like that equipment, right? But they give the average player a watered down version of it. And it's wild when you think about it. It's like the average player is like a 15 handicap. They need the tech, the tour player . Yes . Average. Average doesn't benefit from the tech, right? You're, yeah, buddy, I you're wonderfully average, you look great <laugh>. Uh , and it's, no, but it's, it's just a different understanding of who you're trying to reach. And that's the neat thing from PXG. It's like we're gonna use the absolute best tech we can aimed at the player that can benefit from it the most first and give them the best experience where it's really customized and exhaustive to them. And it's just different than, than how the rest of the industry goes about it. And I think the store example is a perfect example of how it's different. I mean, in a time where people are pulling back on brick and mortar, they're pulling away from the experience. The world has gone much more, you know, call it Amazon, if you will, where it's kind of quick and ready to order and everyone wants the solution very quickly. Like at that same time, we've made a real investment into building facilities that allow for a one-to-one experience with someone where you can really spend the time with them to make their golf game better. And it, it goes against kind of where the industry has gone from. Um, and even just talking about how our equipment is built to be ized . Like that's really not normal at this point. If you look at the majority of equipment, it's become less customizable over the last number of years. 'cause again, it's, there's not the level of expertise across the country to be able to fit it like that. But the people that work for PXG as a fitter are experts in our product. It is all they do. They're not selling 10 different product lines where they're <crosstalk> . That's

Speaker 6:

What I love about it . I just , I just think what you're saying too is like, if you go somewhere else to get fitted, and they're , they , they fit everybody, right? All the brands, not you guys, but like all the OEMs, right? It's like that fitter might already have a preconceived notion to be like, oh, well I get the best, you know, like , I'm gonna sell you the X brand because they make more money on it or whatever, you know, whatever their reasons are. You know, I'm friends with the rep or I don't know. So it's almost like you don't have a problem. You go to PhD , it's like you're gonna get , get a PhD club. We're just gonna figure out which one's the best for you that fits in your budget. That's it. You know? Yeah. And

Speaker 7:

It's, and at the end of the day, I've, it's not a knock to the end of it. That's just the reality of that world, right? No , to your point, there are, that's how it's , you know, are they selling it because they're friends with someone? Are they selling it because they're paid to ? And there's one , uh, an acquaintance of mine , um, before I worked here, right? Uh, acquaintance of mine was going to get fit. I, he asked if I could tag along for a second. And we got relatively far through the fitting, and there was a product that in my opinion, would've been much better for my buddy. And I didn't wanna say, I didn't wanna make the fitter look bad, but as he was walking to grab something, I said, outta curiosity, man, I'm just surprised you haven't grabbed that. Right? And, and he's like, yeah, to be honest, man, I just, I just don't know very much about that product, so I don't want to have hit it. It's like, okay, cool. But like , it's really hard to be an job , dude. That's, yeah. And it, but it's

Speaker 6:

Literally your job and know all these things work

Speaker 7:

<laugh> . Yeah. But it's not realistic, right? It's an entire store of so many different brands and all this product. And that's the thing, like when someone comes in, like, you are working with someone who's an expert in our product, and our engineers have made something for every player classification, and then the two of you just figure it out together. But it's, it's really the way the industry wanted to do it decades ago. Um , and it's cool to see someone doing it now the right way. Like it's a one-on-one tour level fitting experience, and then we're gonna build your equipment the same exact way we build our tour players clubs. Like, that's why I loved it when it first came out. Yeah , it was expensive, but it seems fun . Like

Speaker 6:

Even getting, like, I was getting fit for a putter, and it's like, you have so many different heads, right? Mm-Hmm . It's like, it's just a , it , it literally blows your mind, like how many different designs. And they ask you questions like, oh, what kind of head do you like? Do you like this kind of head? Do you like that kind of head? What do you normally hit? You know? And then it's like tweaking the putter based off real data as to what you're doing when you're putting with that head. Like when do you ever get that level of like, experience or hair or nothing? You just, you go to a golf shop, you start putting in , you know , wherever you make the most shots with , you're like, I'm gonna buy that one. Well , it's like, mm-Hmm , <affirmative> , that might not even be the right one for you. You know? Like I ,

Speaker 7:

Yeah, the putter, it , it just opened

Speaker 6:

My eyes to so many things. I was like, holy crap. You know,

Speaker 7:

The, if anyone listening to this takes anything from this and you can, whatever, you can give 'em my email address, that's fine. If someone goes and tries it and disagrees with me, I'm happy to hear the feedback on it. But like, I've worked in golf forever, right? When I came to work at PXG, there was one piece of equipment in my bag I said I would never change. And I had told my buddies like, fine, I'll stop playing this, you know, while I'm working here, but I'm gonna keep it. 'cause 10 years from now, I might not work here and I'm gonna have this putter, right? Because I had gone to whatever, I'd gone to Scotty Cameron, they made me a putter, right? Like it's, that's the dream, right? It's like this is like the best experience have

Speaker 6:

Yeah . That your , that's your pinnacle of your bag right there,

Speaker 7:

Right? That's what it's supposed to be within five minutes. Because at PXG, if you don't know, we can, to your point, we can take any head, put it on any shaft. I can do more for you in five minutes than any tour level fitting will do for you for thousands of dollars if you pay to go to their experience. I've been to all of 'em . I know what they do. I can do more here. And it honestly confused me greatly when I played with our putter fitting experience, why everyone doesn't do it that way. But you can only offer that fitting experience if you're willing to make truly custom putters for everyone, which we do. And it's, it really honestly bothered me as a player because in five minutes I figured out that I'm playing the wrong configuration. And I haven't changed in the four years I've now been here. That putter got sold about a week later. And it was the biggest eyeopener to me of what real customization can look like, because the other portions of the industry don't even come close to offering that. And it's one where, you know, I, I'm incredibly proud of all the product we make, but when someone always asks, what's your favorite thing to fit? I think most people are surprised when my answer is putter. And it's because you can have the biggest change on someone's golf game in the shortest period of time. It's incredible. Someone

Speaker 6:

Well , like straight up , straight up. Like I use my regular putter, which is a great putter, and then they're fitting me for the putter, the new putter. And so they're like, oh , what's your headshot? You know , what shape do you like, what's, you know, I think I'm with the bad attack is what I'm going with. And I, I think I sunk like four outta five putts. Like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I was , and it's far, it's like five or six feet. It's not like, oh, it makes these little easy putts. I was like, what the heck?

Speaker 7:

Like <laugh>

Speaker 6:

Like, it , it , I'm just telling you like, the whole experience from beginning to end is will , will blow your mind. And you will realize that getting better at golf is a real possibility and it's not outside of your reach. That's, that's, that's the truth. That's what I've learned . Like ,

Speaker 7:

Yeah, and you're, and you're gonna have fun. Like that's, you're

Speaker 6:

Fun and be like , you don't wanna leave. It's like a , you're a kid in a candy store, you're like, oh, look at all this.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, listen, I, I work here and I get to, you know, play in the bays and try equipment and I'm very spoiled with what I get access to. I'm like, I'm super pumped when I get fit for my own equipment. Like I'm playing new irons now. I played with them last night. I'm playing better golf with them . And it's like, I work here. And I still was that excited going into fitting of like, I'm going to play better. We are gonna go through this. It's gonna be better,

Speaker 6:

Hundred percent out . I cannot wait until I get my stuff. Like, I can't wait. I can't wait, but my , like, I can't wait. I wanna go play it . So I , I wanna play it. 'cause I know that it's gonna be like a game changer. I , I could see it, I could see the data. It's almost like, oh my gosh, this is like, 'cause like my whole goal was to get to scratch like in the next like year or two. And I was at TI was at 30 and now I'm a 15. So like, I was drag get down to like nine this year is my goal, right? Okay . Single digits that I'm not, I'm not gonna get that goal, but I will next year. But then it's like, I get these clubs. I mean, that, that could be the difference to be, to be quite honest, because I was hitting the ball further. I had better dispersion and I was thinking more putts. Like, dude, that's, that's, that's the key differentiator. So

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

How anybody out there, I would highly recommend to get fitted at PXG highly.

Speaker 7:

I would agree.

Speaker 6:

And if you want, you can go to Nick's house and he'll fit you there too. <laugh> .

Speaker 7:

Uh, yeah. I always tell people I'm happy to fit you or I can get someone who's much better at it probably than me. But you will have fun if I fit you. I know that part. So you'll still play better golf.

Speaker 6:

Wait , there's like, so much talk about PhD , but I don't , I can't talk to you for three hours today. I mean , I'll come back, we'll talk about the apparel and the ball. See , I wanna talk about all those things. But

Speaker 7:

Yeah, listen to , we can have volumes one through three. I'll go wherever you want.

Speaker 6:

We could, we could have total , we have all these volumes. We could be like , like behind the VH one , behind the music. We could have like something like that, you know, from back in the day. That'd be awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the show today. Nick is a very, very busy man. He just got married, so he is been very, very busy with that too. So I appreciate you finding time to come on the show. Talk about PHG. Um, you guys have to just try PHG , it's awesome. I mean, straight up, like I, the experience I had was unbelievable. And I cannot wait to hit my clubs. And it , the experience is awesome. So I love it. And I'll say did by everybody. So yeah,

Speaker 7:

No, go good fit. It's it that's, you don't have anything to lose about giving the chance. And the , I've had too many instances where I've, people who have played for a long time and then go through a fitting and they're like, dude, I've never felt like, like I've never had that experience. I've never felt that confident. It's like, yeah, man, that's, you're going to have more fun playing golf. So do you have a serious , you won't regret it . Seriously.

Speaker 6:

Like, seriously, like, seriously like, and when you think you're bad, like, yeah, you might be bad at golf, but like, you're not as bad as you think you are. Once you start hitting these clubs gonna be like , oh, I can , I can work with that. So

Speaker 7:

I think I can do this.

Speaker 6:

I think I can do this. This is this , this is , this is a possibility. Well, thank you so much for being on the show and I'll see you guys in the next episode.

Speaker 3:

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