Behind the Golf Brand Podcast with Paul Liberatore

#109 - Uneekor: Greg Sabella (Vice President of Marketing)

Paul Liberatore Season 3 Episode 109

In this week episode I interview my good friend, Greg Sabella, the Vice President of Sales, and formerly a Director of Marketing for Callaway golf, to discuss everything Uneekor. It is widely regarded that Uneekor makes some of the best golf simulators in the golf industry. Now with its release of the new Eye Mini, Uneekor first ever portable launch monitor, they coming after the biggest names in the launch monitor space.  What began with one engineer trying to efficiently elevate his skills, turned into a truly powerful, disruptive force that changed the golf simulator industry forever.

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Speaker 1:

Today we play golf.

Speaker 2:

Let me show you how we do it in the pros.

Speaker 3:

Yeah . Welcome to Behind the Golf Brand podcast. I never missed with the Seven Iron , a conversation with some of the most interesting innovators and entrepreneurs behind the biggest names in golf. My

Speaker 4:

Friends were the golf clubs. I lived on the golf course, I lived on the driving range

Speaker 3:

From Pro Talk . You should learn

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

From each and every single round. You play to fun from on and off the green. Why

Speaker 6:

Would you play golf if you don't play it for money? Just

Speaker 7:

Let me put the ball

Speaker 3:

In a hole. This is Behind the Golf Brand podcast with Paul Libert Tore .

Speaker 7:

What's up guys? Looking to the behind the Golf Brand podcast This week I have my good friend Greg Ella from Unicor. I am really excited to talk about what's going on at Unicor . They have a lot of new products coming out this year, including the new I Mini , which is their foray in the smaller portable launch monitors. So it'd be really cool to find out what's happening at Unicor talking about Greg's career. 'cause been in a lot of cool places and I actually learned a lot of this stuff even before the show that I didn't even know what unicorn's even doing. So welcome to the show.

Speaker 5:

Thanks Paul. I appreciate you having me.

Speaker 7:

So where are you located right now? So

Speaker 5:

I am in Carlsbad, California, kind of the Gulf Capital of the United States, if you will. Um, surrounded by all of the major OEMs, all the component companies. Um, and I'm actually sitting in the even roll office right now, even roll Putters , um, which is a company that Unicor acquired about two months ago. And , uh, just great synergy with our brand, high tech engineering and patented technologies and , uh, a great mind and leader in Garrin Rife , um, who I've gotten to know really well. And so I spend a couple days a week here and then a few days a week in our Irvine office, which is about 40 minutes from here. So it's a good setup . So do

Speaker 7:

You , so do you live in Carlsbad then?

Speaker 5:

Personally? I do. I live about two and a half miles from this office. Oh, perfect.

Speaker 7:

So it's, it's ,

Speaker 5:

It's a beautiful commute .

Speaker 7:

Well, it's a nice drive even to the Irvine office, right? Because just going up the coast and it's Yeah , it

Speaker 5:

Is . It's not that bad . No. Well, today it was, I was supposed to head in today and I, I threw on my navigation and there was an accident on five in Camp Pendleton that was gonna take me two hours. So I quickly did a use because

Speaker 7:

You can't get off like once you're like by Camp Pendleton, you really can't get off the freeway like you're No,

Speaker 5:

You're literally

Speaker 7:

Stuck in the thing . Yeah , I was just there a month ago , like we went , I went to LA and was in Redondo Beach with Minimal, and then we drove down to San Diego and spent like a couple days in San Diego and hung out there down the nice and , uh, hung out with like, you know , Sunday golf bags there in San Diego. Yeah , we hung out with them . So I love it . Next

Speaker 5:

Time you're in town, you gotta swing through here and we'll go play. I have to

Speaker 7:

Nine holes . I love that

Speaker 5:

Test out product. I'll

Speaker 7:

Have to do that all day long. Um, that's cool. I didn't know that. So then, so you've had a very storied career. Greg's been a lot of cool places. Um , this , what I love about having the show is to talk about like, kind of like how you got into the industry. So, so like are you a professional golfer or like, what's your story? How'd you get into golf? No,

Speaker 5:

I, well I've been very fortunate to be in the golf business for a long time. You know, my story was, I was an avid golfer growing up, played high school golf, played two years at San Diego State. Nice. Uh, realized that I was not gonna be a pro, I could be a , a competitive amateur, but that's kind of where the, the skillset waned. Um , but still a , an avid player, you know, play a lot of golf and joined Callaway at a young age and did a , a bunch of really cool jobs there. I was, I was able to work with Ely .

Speaker 7:

So did you start a Cal , did you start a Callaway like right after college? Like Right,

Speaker 5:

Kind of. I worked a little bit of golf retail , um, which I was enjoying. And then there was some, some craziness that was happening at the corporation I was working for. And I, I kind of went home one night and, and put together a, a really small resume and sent it to Healy Callaway, Gary Adams, what year was this? And said , Hey ,

Speaker 7:

What year was this ? Like 80 something ?

Speaker 5:

Oh , this was in 1996 . That's awesome. Um, and just said, Hey, here's who I am. I'd love to come work for your brand. And I got a call back from Callaway a week later and was interviewing and three weeks after that I was driving to Carlsbad and starting at Callaway. So it was , it was a time , and

Speaker 7:

That's why my growing Callaway was like blowing up, right. Because that was like right when Warbird was coming out and like all it

Speaker 5:

Was . Yeah, we had great big Bertha out. We introduced biggest Big Bertha and I did a lot of custom fitting at the test center. Um, so I got to to work with tour professionals and VIPs and test a bunch of product. And then I moved into sales and product management and marketing for Metalwood , um, for Odyssey, the putter side of the business. And, and left there after a 17 year fun run. Um, and learned a lot of stuff, met some great people and kind of fell in love with the industry.

Speaker 7:

So you've probably seen a lot of cool technology in the last 20, 25 years, you know?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I've seen some stuff like the dancing

Speaker 7:

Of the game

Speaker 5:

That we thought was gonna work and didn't work. I thought I saw a lot of

Speaker 7:

Like what , like what I wanna know what

Speaker 5:

Time ,

Speaker 7:

What did people think was gonna work and didn't work. I want know,

Speaker 5:

Oh man, I say at , at, at Callaway there was a product that was a hundred percent or 98% carbon composite, and it worked for a certain segment of the market, slower swing speeds, people who needed spin. Um, it didn't work great for tour or higher swing speed players because it, it spun a lot , um, too much spin . And back then it was harder to engineer sound and it was quiet and people like to hear it to

Speaker 7:

Hear it. Yeah, they do

Speaker 5:

When they hit a driver. So that was one. But, you know, composite technology at that company was way ahead of the game because it's, it's a great way to make a driver. And they were doing it years ago. My very

Speaker 7:

First in 2000 I think, no , what year was that? 97. My dad bought me, I got used of course, but I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I got like a great big Bertha, I still have it and it's like in a corner, you know, and it's like, I just remember like there was nothing like that back then. That was it. You know, there was like the wooden woods and that was, that was about it, you know .

Speaker 5:

Yeah, no , that was a game changer for sure for the industry for

Speaker 7:

Sure. You were at Callaway for 17 years and then where'd you go after that?

Speaker 5:

I did , uh, ran marketing for Supers stroke grip company. Did you really?

Speaker 7:

From the

Speaker 5:

Component side. Yep . I didn't know that. That's crazy. That was a great learning experience to be on the kind of component side of the business versus the manufacturing or, or o e m club side of the business. And then after that I was, I was at blast motion for the last five years on the tech side of the business , um, running sports marketing and then specifically the golf business for Blast.

Speaker 7:

I mean, you probably saw a lot, lot of growth as super stroke too, because they're huge now, right? I mean, that was like one Yeah, I mean it's years ago you started, you know,

Speaker 5:

Like they , uh, they were big when I got there and, and fortunately bigger when I left, but yeah. You know, interesting technology that was taking kind of the tour by storm and still does a great job of, of producing great products and

Speaker 7:

<crosstalk> . And they're based outta Michigan, right?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, the home office is actually in, in Michigan. Um, and I was working remotely out here in Carlsbad. We had an office set up here.

Speaker 7:

That's cool. And then Blast motion . So what , tell people what Blast Motion is? 'cause I I , I don't know if everybody knows, I mean, I know what it is, but what , what , what's blast motion ?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so Blast Motion makes a motion capture sensor that goes on the end of a club and captures in three D everything that club is doing, whether it's a driver, an iron short game, or a putter , um, one sensor that moves from club to club for training. And it , it's a great product. It it really strong in short game and putting measures, you know, 14 different metrics reports it through an app. Um, they also do baseball and softball if you, if you play other sports. But , um, yeah, was was running the golf business for them kind of transitioning from a B to B focus going after coaches to a B two C mindset and really getting into the hands of consumers who wanna practice at home and, and get better. Do you feel

Speaker 7:

That, like, in , do you think like a lot of brands are stuck in trying to do B two B, but like to coaches? I , I feel like a lot of brands think that, you know, going after a coach or getting coaches to buy the product, probably the wrong, I know it's part of the marketing plan, right? Like if the coach does it and then he tells the guy to use it, then the guy will buy it, right? Or something like that. But do you still, do you feel like that is a good thing to do or not really being

Speaker 5:

<crosstalk> ? I I think you, you certainly have to get the trust of the coaches and the instructors and the teachers out there. Yeah. At the end of the day, in my opinion, every one of those golf instructors loves golf. And so they're gonna view the product through the eyes of a golfer first and how they would use it and then how they would use it with their students. I just, I don't know a whole lot of golf pros that don't love the game and love to play golf. So I think the messaging is pretty similar in terms of the, the benefits of the product and then the deeper conversation with, with instructors and club professionals is how they can use it to help their players get better or how they can use it to run their business more efficiently or do their lessons more efficiently. Right. Time is extremely valuable. Golf professionals are on the tee on the range a lot. And if, if we can help make their, their lessons more efficient and help their players improve faster, it's, it's better for everybody.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I think a lot of brands, I think the hard part is, is, well, I think in the last couple years maybe is that like you least on, at least on video, on YouTube and stuff like that. Like you have a lot of pro pros that are well recognized now at this point. So I think those are the perfect people to sell it 'cause they're using it. And I know a lot of people have been successful. I know a lot of brands have been successful using a coach to show off their product and the coaches like , it's like a, it's a win-win, right? Because the guy's making videos on whatever the training aid is and then he's selling a ton of them on a affiliate deal, right? Or whatever. Well , and it's,

Speaker 5:

It's trust, right? It's that Yeah,

Speaker 7:

You trust the guy. Yeah, exactly right.

Speaker 5:

Players look to club professionals as experts as they should. And so you , you get a trust factor there. If, if they trust it , they're not gonna turn around and sell their members a piece of junk or promote something that they don't believe in . So yeah, it's, it's, it's a channel. It's for real. There are a lot of 'em out there and some great ones. And so you have to be appealing to those club professionals and instructors. You just can't only sell to club professionals and instructors.

Speaker 7:

But I mean , like 20 years ago, that was the be , that was only the only way to doing it, right? Like that's

Speaker 5:

Selling there was really no direct to consumer channel. Right? Everything went through your golf shop, the

Speaker 7:

Store, right? It was going through a store or it was going through who's gonna sell it. I mean, yeah, I don't know . Like , I , I think trades is a very interesting area and we'll move into tech in a second just because I think like everyone's trying to get better and I think that like if you can find a product that, especially in tech that will make you better with the quickest amount of time without having to buy a whole new set of clubs or something like that, I think people will buy that all day long and it's affordable.

Speaker 5:

Um , yeah. And if , you know, people are willing to experiment with, with training aids , 'cause the price points are typically a little bit lower. Um, and if you find something that works it , you know, then it works. It's not gonna work for every , nothing works for everybody. But you can find something that works for you or find a coach on whatever channel, whether it's YouTube or in person or Instagram that

Speaker 7:

You with

Speaker 5:

And, and that's who you end. That you should just stay consistent with that. So find who relates to you well or you relate to them well and, and go with it.

Speaker 7:

So when did you start at Unicor? I guess like , tell everybody what, what is your title or what do you do at unicor?

Speaker 5:

So I'm the vice President of marketing at Unicor . I started about 45 days ago, somewhere in that time range. So I'm still, you know, taking everything in , um, you know, learning about the company's roots. And I love technology. I love the r and d side of, of the golf business in general. So I, I kind of pride myself on trying to be a fast learner in that department and get up to speed with everything. So I feel like, you know, my first month there was really learning about everything and everybody. And, and that was a really fast 30 days. But I, I gained a lot of knowledge in those 30 days. And now we're trying to put together a plan to communicate that to the golfing public so they know what we do, how it can work for them, and kind of tell our story.

Speaker 7:

I mean, my, my experience with Unicor, it was like a year and a half ago. My buddy bought, I think he bought two units. I think he bought a , it's for his club. So he bought, I think I'm , I'm not sure which one. It must have been the I XO or maybe it was a Q E D , I don't know ,

Speaker 5:

One of the overheads.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. And I was like super impressed, like right , right away because I was like , even the camera mo like even know I've, I've seen a lot of sims. Been a lot of sims, but I was really impressed I'd never seen Unicorn . It's about a year ago. 'cause you had the camera and like on the screen after you hit the ball, it would show like the club face that it was going through. And I'm like, well that's cool. Like ,

Speaker 5:

Yeah . So that's a , that's a huge differentiator for us, right? Is a realtime impact camera. So you see your club <crosstalk>

Speaker 7:

And it shows you on the screen, which is like, whoa.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's, that's, you know, when I had heard of the brand before I started here, obviously that's the feature that made me say, wow, that's different than, than the other things that are out there.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. And like, 'cause no one was really doing that. Like I've been in like , uh, was it true , true Flight at True Flight sim And they don't have that. So, but then like, what's the story with Unicorn ? So they're from Korea, right? How big are they?

Speaker 5:

So parent companies in Korea, the parent company is called Creates , like, creates with a Z and they are the engineering firm who recruits and hires and, and works with all of the best engineers in the area. So they are the developers of the product. They have a, a golf division called Q E D and we are the US version of that golf division called Unicor. So Q E D in Korea is dominant. They have, they, they dominate the overhead launch monitor market, the mini launched over there as well. They also have suites of , uh, practice studios. They have ranges. They , they're a much more established golf brand in that market than we are here. Um, the benefit of that happening is we've learned a lot from what they've done over there. And we have the kind of engineering pounds behind us with creates to help take our feedback and define what we need for this market and make it happen. So that's the , the parent company is in Korea. We are the US version of their Q E D or US version. And we've been here for, you know , a company started in the US in about 2019 and launched at the P G A show to some, some pretty incredible fanfare that was, I've been to 20 something p G A shows. I ironically wasn't at that one, but followed along and read all the news and, and I kept reading about this new US simulator company that was kind of taking the show by storm. So it was a great intro for them. Company grew very fast in the next few years and we're trying to build on that momentum.

Speaker 7:

Who is uni unicorn's like biggest competitors right now?

Speaker 5:

Uh , it's a good question. I would say, you know, with Mini it's the , the current launch monitors that are out there. So I don't wanna give 'em any free press, but there's, there's one one that's used on the tour. There's another one that has an orange radar base system. We are, they're ,

Speaker 7:

They're also very expensive, by the way . They're also very expensive. So let's just say what they are . They're so the GC Quad, right? So that's like 15 to 20 grand, right? So like, okay, yeah you can have that, but you have 15 to 20 grand to buy it. No , I meant , I'm saying this is like this , the GC Quad's pretty accurate. I mean everybody, it's like industry standard, right? But like the cool thing about the mini we'll talk about in a second is like the price point is like a third of that , which is crazy.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I mean what we're delivering at that price point is, is um, sensational, right? We, we , the mini itself is a two camera based system with infrared, you don't need to mark the golf balls. It captures Oh you don't, 14 different dynamics , um, to a degree of accuracy that we'll put up against anybody. I don't care how many cameras have you put it

Speaker 7:

Have ,

Speaker 5:

Um , you can put with it. Um ,

Speaker 7:

Shut up. Really.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you can measure. I was asking that's why Launch Angle, you can measure spin and side angle. Um, and we're working on some updates to the app, the View app, which is an iPad app to help display that in , in a more consistent manner. But yeah, you can absolutely move it over to the putting green or short game area, you know, any club in your bag really. And you know, we're, we're extremely pla proud of the performance of it. And yeah, I mean we're going after the market and, and saying, Hey, if you wanna get in the launch monitor game with a product that is tour caliber at a price point that's more digestible than some of our competitors, we are the choice. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

So that's what I think about. This is my opinion. I don't have the I mini yet. I know I'll be getting one, but I'm really, but like, this is my opinion, I think it's price, right? Right. So the I mini is like $4,500. And for what you get at that price point, it blows my mind. And what I love about it, without even trying it yet, is that like, it's right where you're standing, it's a side by unit, it's not behind you, which is a huge pain in the. Especially if a simulator, I know like people can use like a , like there's certain brands you can buy that go behind you that are really good, but like that means you need more space. Right. And I think like what's cool about the mini is that you have the stack right there. It's right next to where the ball is. I don't know, I think like for a lot of golfers out there that can't afford a unit that wanna put together a simulator in , they're housed. This is the best way of doing it. 'cause it's like you don't have that much space. Enough <inaudible> golf club.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And it's not a , you know, it is, it's not tiny, but it's pretty small and you can throw it in your trunk if you're gonna play around. How tall is it ? You can pick it out. It's probably, that's a good question. It's probably 16 inches tall. Six ,

Speaker 7:

Yeah. 15, 15.75 height. So it's like a foot and a half. That's, that's

Speaker 5:

Pretty good estimate on my part. I didn't, I'm not looking .

Speaker 7:

I know, right? You must have read the

Speaker 5:

Schematic . It's just my , uh, my guess. Um , you're , uh,

Speaker 7:

16 inches ,

Speaker 5:

It's small enough that you can, you can, you know, run it out to the range, do your warmup, go put it back in your car or in your locker or wherever you're at. Um, but you could also power a full simulator with that launch monitor. So plug it into a gaming PC and stream that to either a TV or a projector and you have a, a full indoor or outdoor simulator running off of a launch monitor that can be also taken outside, which is for a lot of players. You know, we were kind of chatting about this before. Everybody's setup is gonna be different. I don't have 11 foot ceilings in my house to put in an overhead. I don't either and have a full simulator. So my, my option and , and my choice is gonna be, I have a mini, I just ordered a new piece of, of really nice turf and a really nice net and a gaming laptop. And I can in my backyard have a full simulator with access to hundreds of courses with our third party softwares and with our own software. And I can practice with feedback in my yard or I can play a full simulator game of golf for fun in my yard. And, you know, I'm lucky to live in, in southern California, we get rain, you know, once every blue moon. So you can play all the time. And, and the ability to do that day or night is a huge advantage for not only improving my game, but you know, if you're in town, we'll go play whatever course we want in my yard and have a, a cocktail and you know, have a great two hour round of golf.

Speaker 7:

I mean , I think it's smart. I mean I think that price point is genius because I , I've had this conversation with a couple other of your competitors and it's like you have your, in the launch monitor simulator space, you have the ones that are over 10,000. I'm , we're not gonna talk about that. Okay. So like anything less than five is affordable, right? I mean, I mean I know everyone has , it depends on how much extra disposable income you have, but it's golf and we all know how much spend money we spend on golf. So I mean, you have the ones that under a thousand dollars and they have their limited , they're great, they have a limited, you know, limit limits. You know, then there's like a gap from like a thousand to 2000. There's not, there's nothing really in there. And then you have like the 2000 of 5,000. Then it's just at that point comes down to like, can you take it to the range with you? Do you feel safe with it at the range? Is it only an indoor unit or is it an outdoor unit too? 'cause some people might be afraid to take it outside. Is it gonna overheat in the sun Right. Or something like that. And then I think the next biggest thing is like compatibility with like an iPad or a computer, right? Yeah . And it mostly go the computer, but I think like you gotta be able to have an iPad app or something like that's, it's a kind of app because no one wants to plug around a big old gaming computer to, to a driving range. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

So we do have, we, we do have an iPad app that has a software we call View software that gives you all your data, a bunch of different views. You know, you can do a downrange trajectory, downrange trajectory, sideways. You can list all your data. Then you could look at like club optics and see impact location and the actual video of your club hitting the ball. And then to run a a simulator, you do need a PC to run golf courses. But we have a product in our software suite called the Launcher, which is, is kind of a third party connector. So once you have launcher up and running, you don't need to open up five different programs to get to whatever golf course you wanna play or whatever software you wanna plug into. If you're a GSS Pro user, for example, and they have, I don't know, 700 something golf courses on there, you would just open up launcher, select GS Pro and it immediately starts and it's integrated with your launch monitor right. In the , in the screen. So I'd like to say we're easy to operate as a simulator. 'cause it's a , it's kind of a confusing category Anytime you're talking tech and multiple programs, our goal is to try to make Yeah, you

Speaker 7:

Don't get people lost. You don't want , you don't want to drop, make it easy or disconnect or like, that's the worst thing that can happen is like, it drops, right? So it disconnects from the thing . Like everyone's gonna start about it and be like, this thing's not, that's not worth it. Yeah . It's all about simplicity right now. Are, I don't know because I don't have the mini , but like, does it plug into like E six or any other, like what , uh, what , what e what third party

Speaker 5:

EPRO ? Um , all of

Speaker 7:


Speaker 5:

Yeah, it can run all of that. And again, it's once you, once you download this launcher software, those others talk straight to that. So it's a seamless Yeah . Integration .

Speaker 7:

You use the brain of the system, but it shows what's happening on that screen.

Speaker 5:

Correct. And then you can, so , you know, we , we also have our own proprietary software, which is called Refine, which has driving ranges and some international courses. And then Refine Plus allows you to, you know, 20 courses are on there and different practice scenarios. And then the ability to do reporting. So you could do what we call a , a power you report from your practice sessions and it will, it will send you a report that shows you, you know, through insights, kind of what you need to work on, any big glaring holes in your game. So there's really a , a game improvement kind of flavor to refine the software. Although you can also just go play beautiful golf courses. But you know, if you're, if you're working on training, I've worked there and if you're working on, I wanna play, you know, x y , z golf course for fun with my buddies, you can use a third party or play the reline courses.

Speaker 7:

We're talking about the mini today mainly. 'cause that's kind of like MySpace, right? So like with the mini, it's $4,500. And what do you get with the mini?

Speaker 5:

You get the View app for free, you get the mini, you get club stickers, there's an ethernet cable, there's a carry case. Uh, if you do wanna hardwire it, the the screen on the mini itself is, is super viewable in light. That's been a, a complaint in the tech market for a long time. As you take it outside and it's sunny out like

Speaker 7:

This with the sun, you're trying to look at it and be like,

Speaker 5:

What's that ? You can't see anything. So it's, it's super visible. Um, and then you can purchase what we call, we have a few different packages. A Pro packages a Champion package or a legend package, which opens up different golf courses, different scenarios on the software side. So being being newer to the company, just getting my gaming PC set up now, so I've been using Mini with the iPad app or just itself at the driving range. It , you know, reaping the benefits of all the feedback. Now the next level is, okay, now I get to go play a golf course, which is pretty exciting.

Speaker 7:

So I'm looking at the packages, right. So is the, is it a one-time fee for the package or is it a yearly subscription? With,

Speaker 5:

With the mini, it's a yearly with the overhead units, it's a one-time purchase of the software package. Oh,

Speaker 7:

I see. I'm looking at the packages. If you just bought the unit, it comes with the player package included, right? So that you data points

Speaker 5:

Use it 20 minutes after you bring it up .

Speaker 7:

Yeah. It's not like you're , oh , it's not like you spent $4,500 and they gotta spend another thousand to use it

Speaker 5:

Way . No , you by way , literally don't have to spend anymore . If you're gonna use it with the View app or the Launch Monitor as an outside launch monitor for you and that , and that's a huge benefit. There's no activation and all these different things you need to do, you need to set it up once, which is plug it into your modem or a PC to get it to connect to wifi . And then the app itself, when you open it up, it automatically finds the mini as a wifi beacon and connects to it immediately.

Speaker 7:

On the iPad or on the computer, or both

Speaker 5:

On the iPad. Um, if you're at home and it's plugged in, it would be connected via your , um, via your ethernet cable. Just for , for speed. And you're probably not lugging around your pc. That's

Speaker 7:

Why I'm asking a lot of technical questions. That's , people always ask those questions though . That's so like, all right , so you get the, you get the player package, you can use it around the door, you know, like no problem. And the iPad app works the , too , that's all included. So you don't have to pay a fee for that. But then if you want , correct , if you, but like if you want to use a third party software, then you gotta pay the Pro package, which is $199 a year, which is like, what, $15 a month or something. But you also get more stuff with that too. Like you get more profiles. Is the refined software, is there like two verbs of the refined software?

Speaker 5:

There's refined and there's refined plus, yeah. And, and plus Ads , golf courses and a few different , uh, driving range kind of views.

Speaker 7:

What does refine give you? Does it give you like one driving range? One golf

Speaker 5:

Course gives you , well, actually we just, just updated it and there'll , there'll be three or four different views. So whatever landscape you wanna look at, really , um, yeah , most of the time the people I've seen using the View app and they're, they're just on the downrange view or they're looking at data. So it's, it's kind of that quick. Yeah , don't care . You know, the, the , the mini on itself, the display on the mini itself is like instantaneous. So the minute you hit boom, there's not no delay

Speaker 7:

Right there

Speaker 5:

On the app. It's gonna show you your trajectory and then your numbers and the data.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

On , and that's on regular Refine, that's on the regular Refine, right ? That's

Speaker 5:

On just the Free View app. On regular on on Refine, if you're using that software onto a pc, yeah, it's pretty instantaneous.

Speaker 7:

And then the Refine Plus is gives you more stuff. Really?

Speaker 5:

Yeah , more things , things more , more views, more courses, more profiles, power you report, things like that.

Speaker 7:

Why I , these are dumb questions, but like the power you report is this , like for example, if you pay for the Champion package , did you get a thousand power? You reports, what is a Power U report?

Speaker 5:

It, it gives you insights into your, into your game. So pulls out any anomalies, shows you kind of what, what you need to work on. Focus areas, talks about, you know, your gapping, your distance, gapping, it , it gives you the ability to kind of learn more insights, learn ,

Speaker 7:

Learn more about your game.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And if you have , so like if you multiple people using it or you have two sets of clubs that you're testing versus one another, right? All these different scenarios that, that we as golfers are always doing. I, I changed my swing now I wanna see if it's affected this or it's affected that that kind of stuff would be accessible and viewable in , in the power. You , if you

Speaker 7:

Were a , a player, like not really that good and you had just enough money to buy this, which would you, what would you get? Would you just buy the mini and

Speaker 5:

<crosstalk> ? I would do the mini . Mini for sure. And I'd, I'd probably start with the View app and then if I, if I realized that hey, I wanna use this at home too, and I want to have a net and some turf and work on my game at home, I would probably then, you know, invest in the software so I could get a little more granular. But yeah, you know, meaning with the View app at its price point gives you unbelievable data and the ability to practice anywhere with feedback. I mean, I

Speaker 7:

Think the pricing is on par. I mean , I know golf and pun intended, like, I feel like, okay, you know, the first package is 109, $9 a year. Like that's not that much money. That's what you pay for like an iPad app, you know what I'm saying? Like, that's not , like , that's a normal cost. Like even I pay for the Garmin app, that's like $120 a year, right? And that only gives me like limited stuff. So I think, like, I think it's priced right, to be quite honest. I think like most people, I it's industry norm, you know what I mean? Like it's just you want more features you pay more for a little more money for, but you don't need to. If you don't not gonna use it then don't get it. Um , yeah, and

Speaker 5:

The , the good news is, you know, we're open to feedback, right? Welcome feedback. So, you know, we talk to our user base quite a bit. We talk to our, yeah , our resellers quite a bit. And if there are things that people wanna see or people want included or, you know, the contrary, there's things that nobody's using, then we'll get rid of'em or we'll adapt 'em . Um, having the power of our parent company behind us and the engineering prowess is a huge advantage for us to be able to do things like that, to take feedback and implement changes quickly. Um, is it , we

Speaker 7:

<crosstalk> I think it's cool. I I think it's really cool. I love the units that are right next to you. Like I have all the ones sit behind you and it's, it's fine. But I, I , I don't know , I think I like looking down at and seeing the data. Like I don't, like always have to hit the ball and then look at the screen to see what it has. Like, I like look down real quick and be like , oh, okay. You look at the data shows,

Speaker 5:

Yeah, everybody's got their own kind of, you know, rhythm and cadence at the range. Some people hit it and they're raking a new ball to hit immediately and then they watch the trajectory, others hit and wanna see it land and then they bring a new ball in. So, you know, we're trying to make the product adapt to you, not you have to adapt to the product, right? So it's instantaneous here. Your trajectory display on the I iPad app. Um, so whatever, wherever you wanna look really.

Speaker 7:

The thing is too, just so you guys know, like the graphics on the refined software, like this looks real. Like, it doesn't look like all cheesy. Like, oh, it's like four , four trees out there. Like, it looks like four K real golf,

Speaker 5:

You know, I'll tell you, I'll tell you Paul, a little foreshadowing what we have coming makes it , it , it , you would think you're , it's photorealistic what we have coming and some of the new stuff that is graphically is insane. Um, you would literally feel like you're on a golf course.

Speaker 7:

That's crazy. I mean, it , I it's impressive because I think, like what happens is a lot of brands will come up with a cool product, but like their basic software, I'm call it basic software, they're included software. Like, it's kind of cheesy, you know, like they spend a lot of time, energy, money making the product. And I was like, oh, we gotta have a software to go with it, right? And then they like make the graphics like. And you're like, that's kind of lame. You know, like, like seriously looks like Nintendo Graphics. But so when you see a company like the basic, not basic, the included software, it looks that good. You're like, holy crap. Like they're, they're a software company too. They're not just like, oh we'll just , we're just gonna bolt on someone else's software and we'll just deal with it. Um, I think it's looks great. So kudos to that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. Thank you.

Speaker 7:

So what, so when did the mini come out? Like, just recently, right?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it , it started shipping about a month and a half ago. It kind of soft launched and then, you know, kind of the week I started it was like, boom, we're ready to go. And it it, you're

Speaker 7:

Like , oh crap, I got a new product to sell. And my

Speaker 5:

First year , yeah , so playing a little bit of catch up in terms of messaging and everything, but , um, it's out there, it's available now. Um, we've been testing a ton,

Speaker 7:

Bro. I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be straight with you. Nobody launches that great. Like everyone wants to launch that. Great. But it's always like, I mean I've seen this like 10 times this year where everyone's like, we're launching in two weeks. And I'm like, what, what , what are you talking about? Oh, can you make a video before it launches? And I'm like, I don't even have the product. Okay, we'll send it to you. And then I get the product, I'm like, I don't even have the software code. I can't even get any of this stuff to work. Oh, last second. You know, it's like, it's funny 'cause everybody has like these dreams of like, it has a hard launch on July 15th or something and it's like not prepared dude . It's like if somebody did that right one time, it would blow up just telling

Speaker 5:

It it , you're right, you're right. And that's the goal. It's always the goal, right? And it was that every product we launched in the club

Speaker 7:

Business too , of course . I mean I think it's any, any company, any industry, it doesn't matter. It's not just golf, you know, I think like people, I mean I heard about the mini at the p g A show and I was like, oh, that's cool. Like, oh , you know, like I went, I went and saw like all the tech stuff come out. So like, and then , uh, I , I heard it launched and I was like, oh, I need, I wanna know more about this thing. 'cause I feel like that's the future of golf really. And I wish this stuff existed 20 years ago and like, my kids love going into the simulator and hitting balls all day long. No problem. So I think it's a great pro . Well it's , I mean I don't have it yet, but I think it's very smart.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, no, and we'll get you on to test for sure. I think the, you know, the market or the Yeah, the market for simulators and launch monitors is, is growing tremendously, right? You're inside the industry, you know that last year more golfers played off course or at an entertainment venue than they did on course first time in the history of golf. So, you know, credit to the top golf of the world and the drive shacks of the world who, who introduced golf to a whole bunch of new people saying yeah, it's not always a the covid six hour . Yeah. Right? It's not always a six hour commitment. It's not always driving somewhere or join a club. Um, you can go do this in a smaller amount of time. You can do it with friends and family for fun. Or you can grind and really get good with, with great feedback and price points even for, you know, your full indoor solution. If you , if you start weighing, what are my options here? I'm gonna join a club down the street and it may cost $40,000 right up front and then it's $600 a month. And every time I go there, I have a couple beers, a sandwich and I lose or win 20 bucks, right? So do the math or I put in a, maybe I do invest, you know, 10 to $12,000 and do an indoor solution if I have the room and I can play golf 365, I can entertain family and friends if you have all

Speaker 7:

The time, like any guy comes over to their house, everybody that wants to play in your simulator. Like,

Speaker 5:

And if you have kids that are competitive or kids friends who are competitive, like, hey, go practice. It's, it's super fun to be able to practice and play Kiaa or Pebble Beach or all these different courses that you may or may not ever get a chance to experience. And you can literally experience 'em . And you know, we have a new cool product with I xo . We have what we call a trouble mat , which, you know, the goal is to make indoor golf as real as possible. So we have these two mats that are one simulates sand and one simulates rough shut up.

Speaker 7:

That's ,

Speaker 5:

That's not wow Groundbreaking in terms of different surfaces, but the textures that they used and what it does when you hit a shot, how much it slows your club head speed down, how much it affects the spin of the ball and everything makes those what trouble shots on a golf , like extremely real in terms of ball flight and the outcome. So you're actually penalized if you hit it into a green side , you know, trap with on the sim a five foot lip even on your sim, you're gonna have to swing hard and open the face and it's gonna come out probably with not a ton of spin, depending on your lie . And it's, it really takes golf kind of sim golf to a new level.

Speaker 7:

I mean , I saw something like that, like , um, golf zone had that like a hundred thousand dollars simulator with the floor that moves, you know? Yeah. And like the wall, I was like, my mind was blown. So I had never seen anything like that before because everyone just throws carpet on the ground, you know, like turf or whatever. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Not , not

Speaker 7:

A huge , but you guys have that market for

Speaker 5:

That ?

Speaker 7:

No, for that price

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

I'll be afraid of it break too. What do you do if it breaks all the moving pieces? that . Yeah. I don't know . Like, I just think like the technology , I , I think the next two years you're gonna see like, this is the year, like I was telling Greg this really before the show. I'm like, the Koreans are coming and they have the tech and they have the now haulage and they have the know-how and they have years and years and years of experience. 'cause this is huge in Korea. Like now's this is gonna be like, I feel like the renaissance of indoor golf like in the next two to three years. I really do. Because like last year, what was the only thing that came out last year? Like Bushnell's GC three, whatever they call it. But it's GC three and that's it. Nobody came out with anything new last year. And then the year before that it was like garment R 10 , which blew up and then the wrapped Soto was like, so it's almost like all of a sudden you see all these new companies, all these new units. I'm excited. I I think this is fun. Like this is a fun thing . It

Speaker 5:

Is . It , it is exciting. And I think, you know, look, competition is great. I think what what makes us stand apart from our competitive set and it, it's , it's in our name, right? We have a unique name, it's called Unicor. And I think it's cool, it wasn't just, let's make up a name. It was, it was about staying uniquely core to engineering and uniquely core to golf. So that's where we live. We're not doing baseball, we're not doing soccer, we're not doing football. We are <crosstalk> . Yeah. You're

Speaker 7:

Not making like a simulator for a million things like, oh, it's for shooting and it's for golf and it's for soccer. And it's like, and

Speaker 5:

Like , nah dude , there's a market for that. If that's what you want it for. We are a golf company based in engineering and we're gonna stay at core to that. Um, and, and so that, I think that's an advantage for us. It allows us to be nimble, stay focused, and really take golfer feedback and build it into our products so that we're delivering, you know, what people actually use.

Speaker 7:

I think it also opens up a new market for you guys too, because you're, before we're the, you know, you're a simulator company before and now you're like, no , we're a launch monitor company that also has simulator functions. So it sounds like you flipped it, you know, a lot of people I think do it the other way first, right? Yeah. It's funny . Launch monitor, they make a simulator

Speaker 5:

Entering this kind of, this segment of the golf business. And I've been in a few, the jargons all different, right? Because , 'cause what we make are overhead launch monitors and now a portable launch monitor, and then we have simulation software. So people call it all different things. And again, like we were chatting before, you know , my goal from, from a communication standpoint is to make a big decision where you're gonna spend some, some good money towards a, a purchase. I want you to feel a hundred percent confident that you're getting exactly what you need. So this is a setup that I'm gonna use. This is everything I need. I got my checklist now. I feel good about making this purchase. And then once I get it, I don't need a manual that's 400 pages thick to try to figure out how to use it. It wants, you know, I want you to plug this thing in, hook it to wifi and boom, we're over at the driving range hitting shots in five minutes. Or we launch our launcher app and boom, pull in a software and we're playing golf in, in five minutes. So that, that's kind of the goal behind it. 'cause I, I see it and, and I think we all understand this is not a lay down purchase. You're , it's a it's an investment regardless of your ,

Speaker 7:

It's an investment. Yeah, exactly. Right.

Speaker 5:

And you know, you wanna feel good about your investment.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I mean I, I feel that unicor , based on what I've seen with your other product, I was blown away by it. So I'm, I'm only expecting, and this is gonna be something really cool because I was like, whoa. And that was a year ago. And I think the price point's, right? I think like you're in that sweet spot where it's like, I think a lot of people are like, oh yeah, a thousand dollars unit. Like is it really gonna be that good? You know, because a thousand dollars is a pretty big swing for a lot of people too. And it's like, well then what's the next setup ? Oh, it's $2,000. Well is that really that good? What's the next setup ? Oh, four five. Okay. I think it's probably, it's when you go car shopping, right? It's like you have three different models, like the , this one is power steering, this one doesn't have , you know, it's like I think buyers are afraid to pay for the cheaper one 'cause they think they're not get their money's worth out of it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah . I mean you make it , you , your anxiety is a fine line, right? At some point it becomes so small that it becomes a toy and at some point it becomes so affordable that all these things that they're promising it you , you're not confident that it's gonna deliver all those things

Speaker 7:

Or it's accurate. 'cause at the end of the day, you want accurate numbers, right? Because a lot of people comment on videos and be like, well the spend date is, right? Like, it's so great, but like the spend date is bad. And then it's like, okay, well that's true. Maybe the spin date is bad. So it's like you find that one thing, it's like, well you spent $4,000, you know, and it doesn't work. Then you're like,

Speaker 5:

Well yeah , and you want , you know, consistency's as important as, as accurate. I won't say it's as important, but it's also a huge factor, right? You , you have to be accurate, but you also have to be consistent. And it's, you know, your truth is, is whatever your truth is, if I were to go stand on a scale at my doctor's office and it says I weighed five pounds more than the one at my house,

Speaker 7:

I'd be.

Speaker 5:

I would, and I am usually, but I don't doubt one of 'em, like my, my scale at home is my truth.

Speaker 7:

Oh , you know, that one's more accurate. Let's cheat . That's lower. You're like, oh , that's ,

Speaker 5:

Yeah , who knows ? Who knows? So, you know, we , we are absolutely focused on accuracy but also consistency of those numbers. So if you know your driver is a 13 degree launch with 2,400 RPMs a spin and you hit it, you know, depending on your ball speed, 2 65 on average, I want you to , you see it, to hit it against, you know, to hit it on a mini and see those same type of numbers. I don't want you to see it 2 95 all of a sudden and you go, yeah, that doesn't happen. Or I don't want you to see a two 10 and say that doesn't happen based on these numbers. So,

Speaker 7:

Or like some super high R P m on the, on the drive. You're like, that is impo . Like, that's literally impossible. That would never happen. Like it's drive .

Speaker 5:

Yeah . It is a technology drive , right? It's a technology. So something there is opportunity for you to miss a shot, but in total, you know, we read the dimple optics of the ball and measure how it's spinning and how it's leaving and the , the , the kind of really smart guys at Unicor who develop all the algorithms and optimize the images from our cameras, those are the people that impressed me the most because they've, they've taken a , an unbelievable mathematical equation and turned it into a visual ball flight that looks exactly how it does when I hit it. It's , it's pretty amazing. I know , I

Speaker 7:

Think te like we were saying before, like technology's changing so much and like industry is like, I had five iron golf last week on the show and they had said that like, I didn't know this, they on the show, like they Callaway owns like a percentage of five iron golf. And I was like, wait, what? Like I didn't know that. So you see Callaway like already buying into like, you see big companies buying into the new technology so the masses can use it. Like it's the matter of time where it's gonna be like, oh this is normal, right? Like, oh yeah. Like that's, it's in not industry accepted, but it's almost like approved I guess a better way of saying it. Um, oh

Speaker 5:

Yeah, for sure. And there are, you know, I was using technology at Callaway in 1997, believe it or not. We had a camera system and we had to manually go in and tag the golf balls to measure the spin. So it was as accurate as my clicks were, but it was proof that a camera is better than my eyes. And I a

Speaker 7:

Hundred percent agree. I a hundred percent agree I love the camera. But do you have to have the dots on it? Is it, is it or not? No . What do the dots do

Speaker 5:

Q with our Q E D system you have to use a, a marked golf ball because it sits behind you while you're hitting. Oh . So it needs to identify, spin that way with mini I XO and i XO two, you can use whatever golf ball you want. And that's a big advantage too. That's

Speaker 7:

A big advantage too. That's a huge advantage.

Speaker 5:

Premium urethane golf ball player . You want to know what spin is off that golf ball on the ball you

Speaker 7:

Use every single time. Yeah,

Speaker 5:

A hundred percent. So we , I think a lot

Speaker 7:

People complained about that lately on the , in the day on the Wrapped Soto . People have been complaining about that. Like, oh, this I don't use a Callaway ball. Well, it's like, okay well then you use R 10. It's like , well I don't use an RRP T ball by Titleist , I don't use a titleless ball, I use a vice ball . It's like, what does that show? You know, like I think, and that's another thing too, you wanna go spend more money and buy a super sleeve of balls or a box of balls that you'll never, you know, it's only made for that unit. I've bought 'em, I have the RRP T balls, they're six $70 a box. Yeah. Um , is it worth it? No. I mean I did find one on a golf course once and I laughed my off and I was like, who'd use an R P T ball on a golf course? That was the biggest mistake.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, no, but that's a great point you bring up, right? You wanna practice with the ball you use and that's a , uh, that's a big advantage to not having to have a marked golf ball or to mark the golf ball.

Speaker 7:

I dunno . I think, like I said, I think you guys, you guys are doing it right. I'm excited. I can't wait to try it out, but like, I think it's this , right? I feel like the price point between three and five grand is the sweet spot right now for a quality unit. And I think it's depends on what, who you, who are you a fanboy of? Like, oh, I'm only a Sky Track guy. Okay, fine, whatever. Oh, I'm only a Bushnell guy. Okay, fine. But like, I think that price point and having the features you want, that'll make you better. But also have the third party connectivity if you want to , if you only, if you like the way it looks or something, then that's cool. So I think, I dunno , I'm excited, I'm excited about this product.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I like, I like to think the people who are in the know are gonna buy the unicorn . Like if you know, you know, it's quality, it's ,

Speaker 7:

Well, yeah, I mean I trust the GC three. Right? Because GC three is like five grand, right? And like, it's been out for a while . I could never afford GC Quad. So it's like the GC three is pretty accurate. Now , some people might complain about it. I think it's accurate. I've compared it to everything else. It works great and it's a GC three, so it's like, and I like how it's right next to me. And then I, you know, it's , I think like, I like having the unit right there where I can look down and I trust the cameras. I just do because the , the stuff behind you, there's about a million reasons why it's not gonna work, right? Like it bounces off the wall or who knows what. Well,

Speaker 5:

At , at some point there is a prediction, right? Or an educated guest that has to occur. So radar actually tracks the ball moving through the air, the flight of it, and then says if it flew like this, here's how it had to launch. Right? So they're predicting, they're backing into the launch condition based on flight. We capture launch condition and predict flight and really confident in our algorithms. You know, I hit, it is interesting. I hit the top tracer range is a pretty cool technology with cameras sitting up top. And I tested mini versus top tracer the other day and our tra trajectories were like, spot on . Now really our launch condition was our launch condition. So I know that's accurate, but the shape of the shots, everything was , uh, it was cool to see running 'em side by side . So I, I totally believe people are gonna compare to other products out there. And we welcome that comparison because we're really confident in our, in our technology.

Speaker 7:

So I have a question from our listeners right now. He's in Wales and he's asking, when is the mini coming to the uk? That

Speaker 5:

Is Dave Perry . That's a great question. Um , we do have distribution into the uk , um, specifically with Mini , I may have to have you get back to Mr. Perry 'cause I don't, I don't wanna give him a false, a false date. But yes, it will be available in the UK and hopefully very, very shortly.

Speaker 7:

So it's only launched in the US right now, right? Yeah. Or is in Korea right now too?

Speaker 5:

No, it's in Korea as well. Um , yeah , and it , it may be on its way to our distributor in the uk. I just, I don't have the answer in

Speaker 7:

Front of me . So it's coming though, right? It's coming, yes,

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

Sure. If it's not there now, it's coming soon

Speaker 5:

For sure.

Speaker 7:

Um, well, I'm excited. I think the mini, I don't know , I like uni unicorn's units based on what I've used before in the my buddy simulator and like he swears by it. And I , you know, I think, I think the price point's , right? I think it's cool you guys have the tech, you know, like you have your own built-in tech, but then you can also go third party integration. I think the GSS pro's really interesting too, because like right now I know another brand's not using GS Pro that's wearing competitors. So I think like people have their favorite SIM software and they wanna know, is it compatible right away? If it's not, I'm not gonna buy it, right? So I think like , yeah, for

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

I think, and I also learned today that you guys own even roll , which blew my fricking mind because I didn't know that either. So it's crazy

Speaker 5:

Whole , a whole nother, whole nother show on even Ron . And we will pull Garen rife in here to talk.

Speaker 7:

Would you ? That'd be sick, dude. I'd be so sick.

Speaker 5:

Totally. He'd do it in

Speaker 7:

Second . Would you ? I'll see. Like , that'd be awesome.

Speaker 5:

The technology

Speaker 7:

Even roll's legit. Like I love playing . Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I mean, he'll shoot me if I don't say nothing rolls like an even roll . But it's absolutely true. Nothing rolls like this putter.

Speaker 7:

I, I geek out on putters. I love putters. I love putters . Me too. I think I that like that's where you get good in golf. If you can putt and you'll make your putt, like you'll become a good golfer. Like every , you can be on the driver. Could be. Doesn't matter if you get on the green and put in one or two, don't matter.

Speaker 5:

Yeah , a lot of the game is played there and yeah, I have a virtual background on, but if I could show you the, the office here, you as a putter geek, you would, you might fall over.

Speaker 7:

I geek out. There's lots of

Speaker 5:

Cool stuff here. Lots of

Speaker 7:

Cool stuff. I don't know why I always love putters. I just don't know . I , I like geeking out on 'em , like using 'em . I like the new, like I , again , now I'm using a , um, a lab putter and like my friend's all like, oh, what's up with that thing? And I'm like, this thing's a fricking dead accurate. Like the technology in putters. I don't know , I love putters How much ? All the putters.

Speaker 5:

Well , and how, how many putters do you have?

Speaker 7:

Like six or seven probably,

Speaker 5:

Right? I don't know. I don't know any golfers who have one putter. And if you do you ,

Speaker 7:

What happens if people take my putters? My friends come over and they , oh , what's this? And then I don't get it back. It happens all the time. I've lost so many putters. I have to go back to my brands and be like, Hey, can you send me another blah , blah , blah putter? And I'm like, why? And I'm like, because my friend took it and you won't give it back. I'm like, oh yeah , sure, whatever. Yeah , <laugh> . And then that'd be truthful too. My dad wants to borrow a putter and he's like , what putter is this? And then I don't get it back. Um, I don't know . I think that's cool . Another con , this is a funny thing, like Greg and I were talking before the show and Greg's like, oh, we've talked before. I'm like, we have. And he's like, yeah man. Remember like a year ago I was with blast motion . I'm like, oh my God, you were, I forgot. But see , this is the Greg and I are just talking about us too is like how small the golf industry really is. It's super small, which I didn't know that when I

Speaker 5:

Started. So if you've been in the golf industry for a long time, there's not a whole lot of people. You haven't at least crossed paths with a few times. Whether it's, it was

Speaker 7:

So funny

Speaker 5:

Ago or email chains or at the course

Speaker 7:

I was at the p g A show and I was in the like know always hallways everywhere, right between the showroom. And I was talking to one guy and then this guy stops and grabs me and turn around. It's like a c e o of a company. He is like, oh, I heard your voice and I knew it was you. And I was like, what the hell dude? Like seriously how like that was two years ago? You know? And he is like, oh yeah. I'm like, you're , you're, you're presenting. And like , no, not really. First year , look around. It's a big company. I was like, that's crazy. Um, I dunno . Golf industry's fun. I'll say , guys , golf industry's fun. People are cool. It's golf, you guys and tech is cool too. So Greg, where can people get the mini before we go?

Speaker 5:

So we, you can buy it directly from us on our site. We have resellers out in the marketplace. Um, and depending on what you're looking to do, if you're just looking for a launch monitor, you can purchase that from resellers or us. If you're looking to build a, a kit or buy a kit, we have prepackaged full kits available. Or if you're looking to kind of d i y one, we can certainly provide you with direction on what we think would be a good setup based on, on your need. Whether it's indoor, outdoor, net based , screen-based projector tv, there's, there's the , the beauty of it is there's a lot of options, lot of ways to do this.

Speaker 7:

Um, and I think it's a good idea too. Or like, I think a lot of these brands are, some people don't wanna piecemeal a D I Y set, like they just wanna buy the stuff and put it together and make sure it all works. Yeah . So I think it's kind of cool that you guys have that available availability too. Um, well thank you for being on the show. I really appreciate it . You guys have to check out , um, the new I Mini . Um, like I said, it came out like what, three weeks ago? So it's like just launching and , um, if you haven't tried out Unicor , they're different, like in a cool way. And I'm, I really appreciate you being on the show today and I'll see you guys in the next episode.

Speaker 5:

Yeah , thanks for having me.

Speaker 3:

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